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What is it a neighboring right?

A neighboring right is a remuneration that International and Italian Copyright Law (633/1941) recognize to performers and record companies for any kind of public use of recorded music, broadcasting, public performance and other forms of exploitation (for example, private copying).

Who can join NYR?

Anyone who has performed on recorded music can join ITSRIGHT. Compensations for neighbouring rights are due to:

  • performers

  • orchestra and chorus conductors

  • solo and orchestral musicians

  • artistic producers

  • record companies

Which rights does NYR manage?

NYR manages neighboring rights for all forms of the following uses:

  • Radio and Television Broadcasting

  • Public Performance

  • New Technologies

  • Private copying

Am I entitled to compensations for neighbouring rights?

You are entitled to receive a compensation for neighbouring rights.

If you are an artist and:

  1. you have participated in the creation of a sound recording;

  2. the released registration has been played (i.e. reproduced by any means in public).

If you're a record producer and:

  1. you have produced a sound recording;

  2. the released registration has been played (i.e. reproduced by any means in public).

How does NYR distribute compensations?

Analytical standards are adopted by NYR to distribute your compensations, calculating the time of actual use of every single sound recording in the total time of music. This information is provided by music users. Allocations are made by NYR every three months through individual reports. Regarding the compensation for private copying, NYR adopts the same criteria adopted by SIAE, with whom we entered into specific agreements.

How much is it for the cost of the service?

No fixed costs to grant NYR a mandate to collect the compensations for your neighboring rights. The cost is represented by a commission on compensations you will receive.

How can I get my compensations?

To receive your compensation, contact NYR and grant a mandate to collect your fees for neighboring rights. Joining NYR is free.

Click here to contact us.

Is NYR able to collect royalties when my repertoire is used abroad?

Yes. Thanks to relationships and agreements with similar international organisations, NYR can protect your repertoire in

foreign countries too.

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